Friday, February 29, 2008


I can tell that I am going to slowly become addicted to this whole BLOG thing. It is kinda fun and a great little way to express my innermost thoughts while Carson is sleeping!!

So, just a laugh for the day....

If you have not seen the Jimmy Kimmel / Sarah Silverman videos, you need to search for them on youtube. For those of you who don't know or haven't heard, Jimmy apparently makes fun of Matt Damon every night on his show. So Jimmy's girlfriend created a video "I'm Fucking Matt Damon". Watch that one first. Then Jimmy Kimmel makes a retaliation video called "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck." They are both hysterical. Make sure you have your depends on because you will pee your pants.

Have a great day.

Tune in next week for my BLOG about my trip to the NASCAR race in Las Vegas!! I am super excited.

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