Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I try to set realistic goals for myself. I would rather set ones that are attainable for fear of failing.

For example, Steve thinks we should cut out soda completely. However, I feel as though that might be possible but not realistic. Rather, I'll just limit my consumption of soda. I will try to choose water instead, but giving into that occasional craving for Pepsi is fine!!

So here are my goals, and maybe a few hopeful plans to accomplish in 2010:

1. Get caught up on my scrapbooking!! - I am about a year and a half behind and have yet to start on Brady's album. I need to bust a move. I am planning a scrapbook retreat at the beginning of February and plan to attend more all day crops at the local scrapbook store.

2. Be more patient with my children - And my husband too for that matter. I am easily stressed out but need to try to relax and learn to enjoy and appreciate the wonderful family I have.

3. Be more money conscious - My spending habits are extremely out of control. I am not insinuating that I am frivolous with my cash but plan to think twice when I reach for that extra bottle of smelly lotion that I don't really need. It's the little things that up.

4. Look hot in my bikini by summer - I am talking rock hard abs, tight ass, and toned biceps!! Ok... please refer to the beginning of my blog.... setting realistic goals... hmmmmm.... well maybe the abs won't be rock hard but they are going to look good in a bikini. Just wait until you see what we have in store for next year's Christmas card.

5. Run in the Salinas Valley Half Marathon. - Yes, I want to do this and it might even help with #4.

6. Cabin Renovations - Escrow closed on our cabin in May, 3 days before Brady was born. We did our best to get furniture, beds, kitchenware, and things of the sort to the cabin. We scraped together things that we had while purchasing as minimal stuff as needed. We have an eclectic assortment of things yet our cabin is fully functional. However, this spring I would like to start some minor renovations such as fresh paint and knotty pine doors, door frames and new baseboards. Once that is accomplished, I would like to then start adding some decorations to the place!!

7. Better my photography skills - I plan to take another photography class in 2010 as well as take many more photos. Need your picture taken?? Let me do it!! I need the practice. Heck, I may even choose to make it a business and start charging. Maybe I'll even design some business cards.....hmmmmm. Wheels are turning in my head...

8. Attempt to eat more healthy - I am going to chose the water over the Pepsi and Subway over Chick-fil-a. Again, this doesn't mean that I can't have an occasional chimichanga at the the mexican restaurant at Bass Lake, I am just choosing to have them less as often.

9. More date nights with my husband - Steve actually added his own resolution to my list, however I decided to edit it for blog purposes. We will call it, "Date Night!" Prior to children and even after Carson, Steve and I managed to make time for each other. Our lives were constantly on the go and we were able to spend that quality time together which kept our marriage strong. But since the birth of little baby Brady, and the demise of the economy, we don't get out much. I am declaring here and now, I would like to spend more "alone" time with my husband!! Family time is good but alone time is a necessity!

10. Live each day to it's fullest!! - Life is to short to take anything for granted. I will continue in 2010 to appreciate each and every day and thank God for this amazing life that he has granted me!


Amanda Evans said...

Those are great, Patty! I gave up soda and it has been the hardest 8 days of my life...OK, that sounds dramatic, but I REALLY love my Pepsi. I, too, plan to devote more time to the gym...especially since I already pay the monthly fee (automatically deducted from my CC every month) and the childcare is free! All I need to do is get off my lazy butt :-) Brian and I want to do a marathon as well! I need to start running some more! OK, that's it for now. I gotta get on my next plane...half way home!

Stacey said...

Seriously. I JUST updated my blog, and thought "hmmm, I haven't checked Cousin P's for a while". THEY ARE THE SAME TOPIC.... AGAIN!! Weird. Love ya, SW

Stacey said...

Ok, now I actually read it. And we are both "resolving" to do the Salinas Valley Half. Right on, sister. Oh, I mean, cousin.

Team Hayes said...

I'm doing the Salinas half marathon too! You guys did read my blog about wanting to be (like) Stacey, right? Sign me up! We can bedazzle our matching running shirts at the lake, the week before! Yeah?