Sunday, March 4, 2012


Is it to late in the year to make a New Year's Resolution?

Because if it's not, I resolve to shower more.

I came across this saying on Pinterest, and it hit a little too close to home for me.

Those of you with kid's know how impossible it is to shower at times. Or when you do shower, you have to hurry because kids are screaming outside the shower. Or BOTH kids demand to take a shower with you. Have you ever tried to shave your legs in the shower with two kids in the shower with you? I don't highly recommend it. However on the other hand, one of my favorite things to do is to take shower... at home, when no one else is home. But unfortunately that occurrence is quite rare.

Also, I have recently been trying to not to wash my hair every day. I have noticed a big difference in the health of my hair by not washing it so much. But I have to remind myself, just because I don't wash my hair doesn't mean I don't have to shower. Sometimes I forget that it IS possible to shower without washing my hair, so I opt for the no shower look all together. This is NO bueno.
Hence, my new resolution.

However, the main problem revolves around this... I am rather far from being a pleasant morning person. So, mornings consist of a coffee IV, throwing on some sweats, disguising myself with a hat and sunglasses, while rushing out of the house in barely enough time to get the kids to school on time.

Then, by the end of the day, my nose starts to wonder... "What is that stench?"

Which is usually followed by:

And thus, leads me back to my March 4, 2012 New Year's Resolution....

I resolve to shower more often.

Preferably every day, even if it means not washing my hair everyday.

I am also pretty sure my husband will appreciate this.

Wish me luck!

If you could make a March New Year's Resolution, what would it be?

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