Sunday, June 13, 2010

Conductors Don't Wear Underwear

Why do I feel like most days that I can't do this whole mommy thing. I only have TWO kids for goodness sake. It is not rocket science or anything.

It's harder.... I swear.

Some days I read blogs from others such as my cousin Amy who manages 4 children under the age of 4 on a daily basis. I am reminded, I can do this. Deep breath, I really can.

Then I have days like this last Friday.

Carson refused to wear the new underwear I bought him. His Thomas the Train ones are getting too small and leaving indentions on his hips so I was excited to purchase new ones for him. However, they were not Thomas the Train.

"Mommy, train conductors don't wear underwear," Carson told me.

"Uh... YES they do!!" I replied.

"NO! Not ones with animals on them."

So, after major frustration on both sides, Friday Carson went about his day without underwear.

And to this day he still refuses to have anything to do with the new underwear.

Then at playgroup that same day, Brady decided to choke on a little piece (I swear it was little) of granola bar. There I was... in front of all the other moms at playgroup and my child stopped breathing. Mommy instinct kicked in and I stuck my whole finger down his throat and pulled out the lodged piece of granola. He then began to gag, cough and vomit all over me.

Yep, it is days like these that I wonder why God let me be a Mother. I just can't handle the stress. Later that night my body filled with extreme anxiety and stress to which I felt it necessary to scream at my children and husband only to follow it with uncontrollable crying.

The crying was by me!! Kinda like the scene in the new Sex and the City movie where Charlotte locks herself in the pantry and is crying while her children are screaming. Yep. That was me!!

Saturday came and went.

Today I spent some time at the lake. Drank a corona. Or two. Skunked Steve at Cribbage. I am trying to break out of this crazy funk that I appear to be in.

Taking a look at the bigger picture.

Things are starting to come into prospective.

And a vacation is definitely on the horizon....


Team Hayes said...

It's not like I am not DYING to come drink a corona at the lake (eh, maybe a margarita instead)! ;)

And, the four kids thing is only easy because I can keep telling myself that it is just temporary! Keep your chin up!

robin said...

i ask myself every day how it came to be that i have four kids (besides the OBVIOUS reason...)

i lose it every day.