Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Evidence of a Child, Installment I

A few years ago, I wrote about Things you Might Find in a Toaster. I really think a book could be made about the things I find in my house. But then again, as mothers, we always think our kids are funnier than everyone else does, so maybe not.

With kids, you never know what you will find where. Seriously, it is like an easter egg hunt every day, and every once in a while you find that rotten egg from last year.

But very often I will find something out of place, and it will just make me smile. Which leads me to my first installment of, Evidence of a Child... Unexpected things in unexpected places or Things you might find in your toaster. I took a look around the house today and this is what I found.

My night stand...(not to be confused with a ONE night stand). Two hot wheels. Simple, yet a sweet reminder that I am a mother of two car loving boys.

Next I found...
A piece of paper taped to the wall. Really? Why? I have no idea. But Carson refuses to let me remove it. We now just consider it his version of wall art.

Now take a look here...

Don't see it?

Let's take a closer look....

Yep, that is gum.

ABC Gum at it's finest.

The kind you find under the table in restaurants.


Cheers to Children.

See you next time for another installment of ...



1 comment:

robin said...

i love this post! i also love seeing little "evidences of children" in unexpected places.

i laughed aloud when i saw that piece of paper taped on the wall. we have had many a piece of random paper taped on the wall too! i love it...